[REQ] Grave (2016) [France]

Movies that don't quite meet the requirements to be on-topic for FLM, maybe because the actors are too old or screen time is too small.
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[REQ] Grave (2016) [France]

Post by ARTHORIUS »   1 likes

Hi guys this is my new thread. I really don't know about this movie but it's a very very bad story with a bad wild girls so maybe will be interesting for all which like these type of stories.

Plot in Italian (sorry)

Ciò che attende la Justine 15 anni, proveniente da una famiglia di veterinari completamente vegetariana, che i genitori mandano alla scuola dove loro stessi si sono formati, con la valigia rosa in mano, è nell’ordine della metamorfosi, che comincia con una muta simile a quella del serpente per proseguire nelle viscere di Justine.

Il luogo si presta, con la sua mostruosità quotidiana che ricorda quella normalmente associata agli studi di medicina, ma che qui risulta moltiplicata dall’animalità che sembra impossessarsi di tutti i giovani veterinari in erba quando comincia il periodo di nonnismo aggressivo e trash imposto dai più grandi, creando di colpo una prossimità fisica che sessualizza crudamente i loro giovani corpi impudici; ma è anche vero che la nudità e i fluidi corporali di ogni sorta non dovrebbero far paura a questi giovani che si preparano a dissezionare gli agnelli e ad infilare le loro braccia in enormi vacche. Qui non è questione di essere timorati, e se Alex (Ella Rumpf), la sorella maggiore di Justine, si è lasciata ricoprire di sangue di porco e ha sgranocchiato tutti gli organi di animali che le sono stati presentati quando è stato il suo turno, non sarà sua sorella minore a rompere la tradizione e a rifiutare questo divertente battesimo di fuoco con la carne cruda da cui uscirà irreversibilmente cambiata, come un cane che abbia assaporato il sangue umano.

Lo sbocciare della piccola Justine dopo aver scoperto la carne fresca ci offre una successione di scene una più geniale dell’altra, amplificate dall’intensità del legame che si stringe tra Justine e sua sorella, e tra lei e il suo attraente amico gay Adrien, con i suoi muscoli che si gonfiano sotto la pelle liscia, spesso nuda. Ma in questa successione di momenti straordinariamente forti fino all’ultimo secondo del film, che attingono ora all’immaginario di Shining, ora alla crudeltà de Il signore delle mosche e ancor più alla profusione ematica di un Dario Argento sotto amfetamine, la menzione speciale va forse alla scena della depilazione all’inguine della giovanissima protagonista. La cosa certa è che questo film geniale di Ducournau (venduto da Wild Bunch), che non manca di essere artistico mentre scuote lo spettatore dalla punta dei piedi fino alla punta dei capelli, è da non perdere. Una vera rivelazione.





http://www.imdb.com/videoplayer/vi26534 ... m_rvd_vi_1

With Garance Marillier


About the age of Justine. Garance born on 1998 the movie start to direct on 2015 release on 2016. This for the line of FLM's rules i don't want to broken. So if anyone agree if is OT good otherwise put in the correct section.

Last thing...the actress is the same of Junior (released here https://www.first-loves.com/forums/v ... unior+2011) a france short movie of 2011 and she called Justine too lol what a fantasy
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Re: [REQ] Grave - (2016)

Post by Phuzzy4242 »   0 likes

GoogleTrans wrote:What awaits Justine 15, coming from a fully vegetarian veterinarian family that parents take to the school where they are trained, with the pink suitcase in hand, is in the order of metamorphosis, which begins with a similar mute To that of the snake to continue in Justine's bowels.

The place is lenient with its daily monstrosity that recalls the one normally associated with medical studies, but here it is multiplied by the femininity that seems to be seized by all the young veterinarians in the grass when the period of aggressive nonnism and trash imposed by most Great, creating a physical proximity that crudely sexualizes their young, impudent bodies; But it is also true that nudity and body fluids of all sorts should not be afraid of these young people who are preparing to dissect the lambs and put their arms in huge cows. This is not a question of being afraid, and if Alex (Ella Rumpf), Justine's older sister, was littered with pork blood and gutted all the animal organs that were presented when she was in her turn, It will not be his little sister to break the tradition and refuse this fun baptism of fire with the raw meat from which it will emerge irreversibly changed, like a dog that has tasted human blood.

Little Justine's blossom after discovering fresh meat gives us a succession of more brilliant scenes, amplified by the intensity of the bond between Justine and her sister, and between her and her attractive gay friend Adrien, With its muscles that swell under smooth, often naked skin. But in this succession of extraordinarily strong moments until the last second of the film, which now draw on Shining's imagination, now the cruelty of The Lord of the Flies, and even more to the blood profusion of a Silver Dario under amphetamines, the special mention goes Perhaps at the stage of depilation at the groin of the youngest protagonist. The sure thing is that this brilliant Ducournau movie (sold by Wild Bunch), which does not miss being artistic as it shakes the spectator from the toes to the tip of the hair, is to be missed. A real revelation.
She may have been 17 when this was filmed but her character is supposed to be 15 so this is on topic.
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Re: [REQ] Grave - (2016)

Post by ARTHORIUS »   0 likes

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Re: [REQ] Grave - (2016)

Post by jezevex »   22 likes

I'm releasing the interesting scenes only, because the movie itself is allegedly very disgusting. Even for me they're too old, so it's probably VOT.



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Re: [REQ] Grave - (2016)

Post by ghost »   0 likes

Thread moved to VOT.
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Re: [REQ] Grave - (2016)

Post by ptguardian »   0 likes

When doing a search on this movie I found no sites giving a synopsis stating the character is 15. In fact all that mention character age state 16. :roll:

Our borderline is 16, that is if the character is believably 16 and or actor is 16 or younger(not yet mature enough to be considered believably an adult). In this case no to both. This movie the actor is an adult and comes across as such. Cute she is but child she is not. The term Coming of age is too loosely thrown around. Movie displaying Child growing up is more applicable here at FLM. A Collage freshman studying to be a veterinarian may be new to the adult world but is an adult in the adult world. Not a child Art no matter what age YOU tell us she is. ;)

Interested search Raw 2016 Director: Julia Ducournau
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Re: [REQ] Grave (2016) [France]

Post by ARTHORIUS »   0 likes

Too bad but i always continuing to find probable and potential gems ;)
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